
Sync your strategies with the competitive business environment.
Use our customized consulting solutions to evolve through a market-tested approach.

Lead Nurturing Software

Nurture your Half-baked Leads

Are you frustrated with half-baked leads? Lead nurturing is all about baking those half-baked leads to full and serving to the sales team. If you are finding difficulty in doing that, we will assist you with our lead nurturing services.

Unless your prospects really get familiar with you and trust that your product is really going to help, they will not buy it. Lead nurturing is time consuming but it cannot be ignored. We promise to assist you in converting mere visitors to qualified leads.

Our lead nurturing tool is designed to assist marketers in reducing sales time and effort, and get an unexpectedly high ROI.

What's on Offer?

Lead Management Services

A single business tool to manage your entire chain of leads and new customers

Are you unable to keep a track of leads generated through email campaigns?

Smart Point Global Services offers you lead management services (your magic lamp) and ensures that it solves all these problems.

We help you in capturing and qualifying leads. The half-baked leads are sent for lead nurturing. The other features include lead tracking, reporting, etc.

The web-based lead management tool is designed to free marketers of manual efforts and assist them in sales processes.

To find out how Smart Point Global Services can help you take your business to the next levels , connect with our experts at 901-622-7638 for a free one-on-one consultation or email us at info@smartpointglobalservices.com

Appointment Setting

It’s all about getting qualified leads

To get qualified leads, you need to talk to people. And for that, you need appointments. Making appointments with the top-level could be intimidating, but not when you have a well-seasoned team dialing the numbers!

Appointment settings are not just about making calls and sweet-talking prospects. It’s first about dialing the right numbers, using the support of research, and talking with appreciable relevance. That’s what wins you half your battle even before the meeting starts!

At Smart Point Global Services, we understand that getting appointments is not that easy for the majority of marketers. We have a record in setting up appointments that work best for organizations.

Just call us on 901-622-7638 or CLICK HERE to avail our appointment setting services!

Since we have been through the process and understand the effort that goes into Appointment Setting, we assign you telemarketers who are self-dependent and experts at setting appointments.

To find out how Smart Point Global Services can help you in getting qualified leads, connect with our experts at 901-622-7638 for a free one-on-one consultation or email us at info@smartpointglobalservices.com

Marketing Automation Platform (MAP)

Days would have been long when you had to arrange and consolidate a team of experts to manage a department for your email marketing campaigns. With our proprietary MAP tool, those days are gone. After thorough research on the latest email marketing automation technologies, we have come up with the best solution for all your campaigning needs.

MAP is...

Don't have your own database?

Data Alliance and Linking Service

No issues! Let the MAP choose your recipients from our 32M+ B2B contacts in our master database.

Our contacts are:

Account-Based Marketing Services

Customize Your Marketing Campaigns to Target Your Most Valued Clients and Customers

While mass marketing campaigns may or may not work, with Account-Based Marketing(ABM), you are sure to increase your conversion and retention rates. Moreover, measuring the performance of mass marketing campaigns is difficult, but with Key Account Marketing services from Smart Point Global Services, you can easily track the performance of your marketing campaigns.

Smart Point Global Services offers Account-Based Marketing services to help you target specific accounts. You will be able to prioritize clients based on the value that they add. You can interact with these VIP or high-yielding clients and engage with them on social media and email to establish a personal connection and win their loyalty.

Our Key Account Marketing services will also win you new accounts by connecting you to professionals and decision-makers involved in making important purchase decisions. With detailed contact information about these prospects, you can devise marketing campaigns across different channels like email, direct mail, social media, telemarketing, and event marketing to target them and win them over.